You are looking for: helldivers 2
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22 hours ago

Helldivers 2's official Super Earth National Anthem has me so full of patriotic ardor, I feel like marching in the street

Citizens rise! Liberty rise! Super Earth rise! ...

804 Read

2 days ago

So that's why Arrowhead didn't want to buff everything: Helldivers 2 has lost some of the friction that made it special

Helldivers 2's toughest enemies have been reduced to fodder. ...

488 Read

2 days ago

Helldivers 2 CCO Johan Pilestedt wants players to take the high road and avoid a faction war with Space Marine 2: 'You can enjoy as many games as you want'

War, what is it good for? ...

137 Read

3 days ago

Helldivers 2's latest update looks like it's gone down smooth, with player counts not seen since Juneā€”from a balance patch, no less

Sweet liberty. ...

29 Read

4 days ago

Arrowhead creative director agrees Helldivers 2 needs a harder difficulty mode after the 'buff everything' patch

Super Duper Helldive, anyone? ...

30 Read
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