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2 hours ago

I can't believe how far Bloodborne emulation has come in just the last 2 months

It still has a long way to go, but playable Bloodborne on PC is becoming a reality. ...


4 hours ago

They're planning to restart the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant to power Microsoft's cloud and AI data centers

The power plant last operated in 2019, and was the site of the most significant commercial nuclear power accident in US ...

252 Read

4 hours ago

Helldivers 2's official Super Earth National Anthem has me so full of patriotic ardor, I feel like marching in the street

Citizens rise! Liberty rise! Super Earth rise! ...

307 Read

6 hours ago

Netflix is doing a Splinter Cell animated series, and Michael Ironside isn't in it

Who's this Liev Schreiber guy? ...

446 Read

7 hours ago

Halle Berry on the key to Never Let Go: her character is ‘fucking crazy’

This report comes from the Fantastic Fest 2024, the annual genre film festival in Austin, Texas. We’ll have more reports from the ground throughout ...

457 Read