2 months ago

Scoring a touchdown in College Football 25 might not be an easy task, but landing a successful juke could open an unexpected opportunity out of nowhere. To explain very simply, a juke is an offensive move where you fake-out a defender and maneuver around him. Just like in real life, a proper juke could catch your opposition unaware and set you up for a glory run. How to perform a juke in College Football 25 You'll be using the juke move many times in College Football 25, and in my experience, it's the most consistent way to evade a tackler. While it's not guaranteed to work every time (it would be broken in that case), a successful execution is easier than you think. Flick the RS either to the left or the right, and the ball-handler will automatically aim to evade the rushing tackler. You can also flick the RS down to perform a back Juke. I haven't used this move at all, but it's another available option. That's how easy it is to land the sidestep while attempting to evade the opposition's defense. You can also use the sprint button while attempting to juke. Image via Destructoid When to perform a juke in College Football 25 If you're playing in the Freshman difficulty, landing a successful juke move is pretty straightforward. However, the chances of successful evasion will decrease in games of higher difficulty or when you play against other human opponents. This is where the importance of timing your moves goes up. The easiest time to juke is when the defense is trying to stop you from the front. The empty gaps on the sides make it easier to dodge their tackle. However, you won't usually get that space. If the defense is on the right of your ball carrier, Juke to the left. If they're at the left, Juke to your right. Ultimately, you'll be tackled down on most occasions, especially if you're playing against other human opponents. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't try to juke in College Football 25. You've got to keep the defense on their toes. The post How to juke in College Football 25 appeared first on Destructoid.

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